First Hutch frames made by Profile (drilled brake bridge)
X-Long Pro, Tim Judge replica by Tom "Keep It Warm"
Early Hutch forks made by Profile (1981-82)
Profile made the first Hutch frames (the ones with drilled brake bridge) and forks. For those frames, 2 style of Hutch forks were made by Profile. A fork with leading edge dropouts and one had straight blade fork legs with dropouts directly beneath them. The first forks with leading edge dropouts had the slot directed to the front. Rich Hutchins told me he
remember having a problem with a particular run with tabs cracking it is possible this was the design. Then you had the straight blade fork. Those were used in 1981 for a short time. Rich Farside and Rich Hutchins
complained about those forks. Hutch changed tab design to change handling of the bike. The new leading edge design had the slot directed more downwards. First forks have 2 holes in the dropouts.
second style leading edge fork left Pro, right Lil Hole Shot fork
20" Hutch with slotted MCS slotted gusset
I was very surpriced to see this Pro Racer. Looks like made by MCS with the slotted gusset! Engraved brakebridge and no serial number. Maybe MCS made more Hutches then just the prototype cruisers with slotted gusset? Notes: From Rich Hutchins Jr.: MCS never made Pro Racers for us. MCS made the parts for the frames but Hutch welded them together. Except the Hutch cruiser, mini and the junior, those were made by MCS. MSC did all of the stamp work we needed by this time. Witch means all flat metal parts where made by them
including stamped brake plate witch also means the stamped pieces for the forks. Some of the stuff was cheaper for us just to use there pieces instead of paying for redesign on small pieces we did not think people would pick up on these small changes. The slotted gusset. That was the difference between Thruster stamping and MCS stamping that's all. We tried to play that change of on another brake mounting location but that did not work. That's it, we had a lot of questions that came in when we made this change and the sales people we had working for us instead of asking someone, told dealers this so it made alot of people mad. We even had to send out a press release on this to our dealers. That is how i can remember this so well. From bmxerpete: I worked at MCS in 82-83, as well as riding for them. Not only were we building our bikes, we also built bikes and parts for Hutch, Vector, Cycle Craft and a dozen other companies at least. If someone else, say Hutch, needed 100 frames right away and we were too busy, they would go to someone else. This
happened all the time in the 70's and 80's when BMX was huge and stuff was selling like crazy. This is why you see small differences in frames and forks from the same manufacturer. As big as Hutch was back then it's very likely they had stuff being made at several different places at the same time. Also, when we were in the middle of doing a run of frames whether for ourselves or someone else if we ran out of a certain part like a chainstay brace, it wasn't uncommon to use something different to finish the run. Some companies were really particular about everything being the same, like Vector. Other companies like Hutch were selling everything they could get their hands on and really didn't care, so that's why you see Hutches with MCS chainstay brace.
Hutch cruisers with slotted gusset made by MCS
Hutch made the first cruiser in 1982 (see bike tests). Did you know the first cruiser frames had a slotted gusset behind the bottom bracket (see pics) instead of the normal Hutch plate? Those frames were made by MCS! According to 3rd gear (Brett Kimble): Research does pay off the pic in the aug 82 bmxa shows my frame with the MCS BB gusset and Toby (Henderson) confirmed it ... How cool am I … Note: More info came up about the Hutch cruisers. Rich Hutchins Jr. told me all the cruisers were made by MCS (when the fam. Hutchins owned Hutch). Brett Kimble found out that the first 25 cruisers had the sloted gusset and a fork with the MCS bend. Next 25 cruiser frames had also the slottedgusset but the « normal » Hutch forks (with the known round bend).
Hutch forks with MCS bend legs
There are Hutch forks with legs bend like a MCS fork. The first 25 Hutch cruisers with slotted gusset came with a MCS bend fork (read above). Those forks could not accept a fat tire, the tire rubs against the fork legs. The Hutch cruiser fork with MCS bend has very nice and tight welds (same welds like on my MCS fork). The cruiser frames were made by MCS so probably the forks also.
There are also 20" Hutch forks with MCS bend and the same nice and tight welds. According to Rich Hutchins Jr. MCS never welded 20" forks for them. But I assume he could be wrong because it's so long ago and I personally think MCS welded the 20" forks who have the MCS bend.
Double stamped brake bridge
Hutch made frames with double stamped brake bridges. When they started with stamped brake bridges (one side) they noticed some welders made mistakes by welding them up-side down (with the stamp on the wrong side). So, the next batch of brake bridges had the stamp on both side to prevent that mistake. But to safe costs, they stopped with the double stamping (just one batch was ordered that way) and the welders needed to keep there mind better on there job. <<<<<< pic of a 20" frame pic of a cruiser frame>>>>>>