Bicycles And dirt, September 1983 LIL HOLE SHOT HUTCH'S flyweight flyer
In today's world of high technology things just keep getting better. The bicycle moto-cross industry has not just been sitting by the wayside and watching technology pass them by. One company in particular has kept up with today's demand for high tech, high quality equipment. That company is Hutch Hi-Performance. For the past two years Hutch has been the driving force in exotic BMX machinery, utilizing metals such as magnesium, titanium, and high quality aluminums. Hutch has shown that there is a place in BMX for exotica. Since acquiring Titron early this year, Hutch has been on the move even more, and especially with products for smaller riders in the nine and under age bracket. Rich Hutchins is not a person who putts all of his eggs in one basket. Rich has one of the best and most consistant racing teams in BMX. With riders like Steve Veltman, Toby Henderson, Monty Gray, Tim Judge, Jason Griggs, Charlie Williams, Missy Fred, Brad Moore and Brit Adude, how could you go wrong?
Brit and "Lil"--a lethal combination!
In the midst of all this new technology, Hutch Hi-Performance has moved into a new facility to accommodate their needs. The new facility has over one quarter of a million dollars worth of machinery in order to build these precision pieces for your BMX machine. Hutch's "Lil Hole Shot" When the bike arrived in my office from Hutch factory in Maryland, I could not wait to get my hands on it. This little racer was the nicest looking bike I'd ever seen; everything was either plated or polished and the bike reeked of speed. As with anything, quality does not come cheap, but as the saying goes, "You get what you pay for." Handlebars: Oh, these are just your average ultra lightweight mini bars. Made from 2024 aluminum, the Hutch mini bars feature a slight backward bend for good pull. The aluminium is polished to a high luster and has the familiar Hutch sticker on them. Stem: Why didn't someone think of it before? The Hutch mini stem incorporates a unique clamping design. Instead of having four bolts to hold the bars stationary, the rear portion is held in place by
Out of the corner accelertion is amazing!
the stem bolt itself. Not only is the design unparalleled, but so are the materials. The magnesium mini stem has titanium bolts and weighs in at only 5 ounces. Headset: Small riders do not give their bikes the abuse that a 14 or 15 year old would so, not only can they be made to be ultra light, but in this case, they contain no bearings. That's right, in place of bearings there are nylon o-rings that are self lubricating when used in conjuction with the magnesium headset, although a little bit of Vaseline will not hurt the lubricating at all. Seatpost clamp: The seatpost clamp is round and made from magnesium. It is not only trick looking, but it holds
The Hutch stem incorporates the use of the stem bolt to tighten the handlebars. That's good engineering while saving weight.
Hutch's lightweight headset uses no bearings, just a nylon o-ring. The headset also uses a recessed allen head for positive locking.
good and is lightweight. Pedals: These pedals are similar to their full size brothers. They incorporate titanium axles and are polished to a high luster. The new minipedals have the Hutch name and grip pegs molded into them. The pedals have sealed bearings for longer life and less maintenance. Cranks: The Hutch 170 mm hollow aluminium cranks on our test bike were beautiful. The arms are made from aluminium, have a titanium spindle and sealed bearings. The disc that the chainwheel bolts to is made from 7075 aluminum and accept two kinds of chainwheels. These cranks are polished to a high luster and look beautiful.
Hubs: the new Hutch hubs are truly precision instruments, made from magnesium and plated for a bright shine. The hubs also feature a titanium axle and have sealed bearings. Both hubs, weighed together, weigh only 11 ½ ozs. Spokes: It is not often that you find someone talking about the spokes of a bike, but the spokes on the "Lil Hole Shot" test bike were no ordinary ones. These spokes are made from titanium, like many things on the bike, and are also plated. Frame: Made from 4130 chromoly and chrome-plated, the Hutch "Lil Hole Shot" is great for the younger rider. The frame is lightweight, weighing in at only 2 lbs. 14 ozs., but is as sturdy as a tank. The frame's styling is just like Hutch's larger frames but downsized and features a one-piece bottom-bracket. The mini forks for the frame will accept either sew-up tires or 1.75's.
The hollow aluminum cranks, along with the 7076 chainwheel and the new mini pedals, make for an unbeatable combination.
Testing the "Lil Hole Shot" It was at the Bakersfield Gold Cup that I met up with her. Her name was the "Lil Hole Shot", and her father's name was Rich Hutchins. She was bright and had a gleaming personality. She was so well mannered and cooperative, doing anything to accommodate her boyfriend, Brit Adude. She has been with Brit for a little over a year now and together they make quite a pair, travelling all across country from National to national and winning quite a few. If you have not guessed by now, "Lil" is Brit's bike and Rich is it's creator. The Hutch mini is a piece of advanced technology ultilizing chromoly tubing, magnesium and titanium
If it's tough enough for Brit, it's tough enough for you!
components, and many aluminium pieces. The track that we tested the bike at was "The Plunge" in Bakersfield, California. It is a long and smooth track with lots of jumps and turns. Now usually when you take an eight-year old and his bike out for a photo session, you cannot expect too much in the way of high flying action. Boy, was I ever surprised when Brit took his 14 lb. mini over the woops crossed up and about 4 ½ feet in the air. First I thought his bike would be totally destroyed on landing. Then I wondered how an eight-year old could get so much air. Well, on landing the bike was perfectly alright and so was brit, who landed like a feather. After that I did not worry about Brit or the bike. I realized that both were very capable of anything I could ask them to do. Testing the bike that I cannot ride myself tends to be somewhat more difficult than I had anticipated, but after watching and checking the bike out very carefully, I have come to some conclusions. The Hutch frame is a proven product that will withstand quite a bit of abuse and still maintain its fantastic handling
On and of the track, Brit Adude is a high flyer.
characteristics. The bike is responsive and fast out of the gate. When the Hutch bars, headset and stem are added to the bike, you have a bike that the smallest of riders feel comfortable on. The bars are the perfect size and the stem will surely hold them in place. The headset is one of the most interesting pieces on the bike. It spins well and stays tight because of its allen head locking nut. In addition, the headset includes what I would consider its own flex fighter.
What is 7075? As I explained elsewhere in the article, the disc that supports the chainwheel is made from 7075 aluminum. What exactly is 7075 aluminum and how will you benefit from it? Well, aluminium is graded so you can determine its quality. What exactly the numbers mean is very hard to describe, but let me try. Off the aluminums available, 1-7 thousand series, only 2000, 4000, 6000 and 7000 are heat treatable and will be hard enough for use on a BMX bike that takes lots of abuse. In other words, the aluminium that Hutch uses on its sprockets is top quality and one of the strongest available.
If Brit Adude's record of wins is any indication of the bike's potential, then it speaks for itself. But for you sceptics, the "Lil Hole Shot" is one of the nicest looking and well put together minis on the market. With all of the Hutch components, it makes a complete package that, at this time, is unsurpassed by any bike on the market. All in all, the bike is a lightweight racer built for speed and durability, and it will give even the "Littlest" rider chance at the holeshot.
Hutch Lil Hole Shot frame Hutch mini forks Hutch magnesium stem with titanium bolts Hutch magnesium headset Hutch magnesium hubs with titanium axles Hutch 7 5/8" titanium spokes Nisi sew-up rims Clement tires
Hutch 170 mm aluminum cranks Hutch titanium spindle with sealed bearings Hutch 7075 aluminum aero-speed disc Hutch mini pedals with titanium spindles Uni turbo seat Magnesium seatpost clamp Oakley F-1 grips Dia Compe MX900 brakes
Frame: 2 lbs. 14 oz. Fork: 1 lb. 5 oz. Stem: 5 oz. Bars: 16 oz. w/ grips & brake lever Hubs: 11 1/2 oz. (both) Pedals: 6 oz. ea.
Headtube angle: 65° Downtube: 36° Seatpost tube: 65° Length: 34 1/2 Hanger heught: 11 Bar width: 25" Bar height: 31 1/2 (from ground)
One of the most unique features on the bike is the headset. The reason this headset is so unique is because it has no bearings. Instead it incorporates a polymeir plastic o-ring that is self lubricating. The cranks are holow aluminum and have a titanium spindle. The disc that supports the chainwheel is made from 7076 aluminumn which is one of the strongest aluminums available. Yet another feature that is unique to the Hutch bike is the stem that only has tho bolts to tighten the bar. The presure is evened out by the large stem bolt that tightens the stem in the forks.
Meet Brit Adude, the not so secret weapon in the Hutch arsenal. Brit has been racing for just over 1,5 years, and in that time he has compiled more wins than you can count on your fingers--including a World championship title. Brit lives in Laguna Nigel,CA, which is about 45 minutes from orange Raceway. One day a friend of his recommended that he try racing because of his potential. Brit decided to give it a try, so off to the track they went. They borowed the equipment he would need and would you believe it--Brit won his very first race in 6 beginner. From then on it was race, race, race. Now that Brit has been racing for awhile, he talks like a seasoned veteran. His favorite tracks are
outdoors because they are usually longer and he has the endurance to win on suc a track. Winning is not as easy and it sounds. For Brit it means lots of practice and a rigorous training schedule for a boy his age. Brit trains every day starting with 10 minutes on the rollers riding as fast as he can; then he does 50 sit ups. That is followed by 25 squats and push-ups combined, and last, 25 military presses. In addition to this, he rides his bike every day. Now that's a pretty heavy duty wotkout for an 8 year old. Maybe it is because of the training or maybe the natural raw talent, but one thing is for sure--Brit Adude is probably the fastest 8 year old around.